Make sure to reach out

We started out with solely buying and selling. This helped us interact with the pieces first hand and learn how to restore. We have had the pleasure of getting to know people from all backgrounds whom owned the pieces for a generation. After 15 years of researching and handling vintage design we are now opening new opportunities to expand on what we do.

Our new ventures include a broader approach to how we display vintage design within personal or high traffic areas. In doing so, we find archival of inventory and stories behind the pieces we bought and sold to be important. All this takes effort and collaboration. If you are a college student that needs an internship, a store that needs to dress a window, or feel our your interests are aligned with us, reach out! You never know what can come out of a connection, talk soon!


  • Collaborating with interior designers for interior spaces

  • Hosting Coffee & Library May 17th

  • Vault Tours

  • Collaborating with owners of Case Study Houses for sourcing pieces relative to architecture vision